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Export----Saudi cement production line
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Saudi Arabia's AL-JOUF Cement Project's 5,000-ton cement production line project is one of the important industrial projects in the Saudi Arabian-JOUF area. Our company undertakes the partial protection and distribution automation of the heavy oil power station and the comprehensive protection project of the cement part. The project consists of four substations:

The load distribution of heavy oil power station is 1 line generator incoming line, 2 way female joint, 3 sets of PT, 21 transformer outlet;

The load distribution of the limestone crushing substation is 1 incoming line, 1 PT, 2 transformer outlet, and 5 motor outlet;

The load distribution of the raw material grinding and distribution station is 2 incoming lines, 1 female joint, 2 PT, 2 transformer outlets, and 7 motor outlets;

The load distribution of the kiln head substation is 2 incoming lines, 1 way female joint, 2 sets of PT, 4 transformer outlets, 4 motor outlets;

The load distribution of the cement mill distribution station is 2 incoming lines, 1 female joint, 2 PT, 2 transformer outlets, and 6 motor outlets.

Tel:0510-68937788    Fax:0510-85259897
Add:No. 10 Dujuan West Road, Hudai Town, Binhu District, Wuxi